brooke, so here's my random 6 things about me:
1. I love cheese. Yummy, delicious, and creamy. Melted, solid, chunks, string. Bleu, mozzarella, feta, cheddar, the sky's the limit. I don't think i've ever really met a cheese I don't like. the stinkier the better.
2. i don't like taking medicine. fortunately, i don't get sick that often, but i think i really get on my husband's nerves when i am, or when i have a headache. he's like, "have you taken anything for it?" and i'm like, "no." oh well. i hate being sick and having headaches, but i really just hate taking medicine, too. and vitamins, but i am in LOVE with the new (well, new to me) sour gummy flintstone vitamins. they really are good. and you get to eat 2 of them!
3. I am addicted to Snood. It's a total waste of time, but i can't stop once i start.
4. while i used to be more of a compulsive shopper, now-a-days, it's really hard for me to buy things....well, let me qualify this statement. It is way too easy for me to go out to eat. but what i'm really referring to is clothes, housewares, etc. fun stuff. i don't know why but everytime i go to buy something i always talk myself out of it. yes, this can be a good thing, but sometimes i try to impulse shop, and i can't! :( i dont' know if it is because i am in pregnancy clothes, and in my mind they are just temporary clothes, but i lean against that being the sole reason, because i try to buy things for the house like a new lampshade for a lamp that is sadly topless, and i couldn't do it. i have giftcards that i even haven't used for a year because i can't make up my mind on what to get. sad sad sad.
5. Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, too, but Halloween is where its at. not the creepy, murderous stuff with blood dripping and the like, but the cutsey, kitche stuff that is comical and silly is wonderful! candy and costumes and children and autumn weather and caramel apples and pumpkin pies and cheddar cheese and candles and cute little witch decorations and hay rides and bon-fires and gords and full moons and glitter and shiny things and excitement! there seems to be a magical-ness (if you'll excuse my word-making tendancy) about it!
6. if i were an extremely wealthy person, one of the luxuries i would spend on myself (beyond traveling and regular pedicures) would be fresh flower arrangements regularly. i would not be without them. beautiful, sometimes exotic, fresh flowers!
ok, that's it. i tag