hello again.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lake day from 2008

These shots are about 6 or so months old now, but what the heck, I'll post 'em anyway. Classic Tiffiany Pose :)

Ah, the wonderful Crawfish Bucket in the background. Time for another one!

Matt Karote' chopping in the air above Darrell. Yes, he really did it above Darrell.

Knoxy Man & Daddy

Knoxy Man & Pregg0-Mommy

Darrell & Preggo-Nicole

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Tyler has "test week" every 3 weeks...ugh! After he finishes up with a test week he usually just takes it easy for a few days (which i love!) BUT then it's back to the constant studying. He will be done with this block the first week of May..Praise the Lord! Then he just thas a short block in June and he will be done with 1st year...hooray!